Analysis of hygienic situation of schools ' mess hall in Yixing
Hey , wait . This is the mess hall .
Construction technology and measures for enlargement in floor engineering of mess hall
Get to the mess hall and report back .
The Administration Office Is located just behind the Mess Hall . The tape machine Is Inside .
He found the Group Captain in the mess hall , having breakfast with the ground crew .
We have established that a set of bellows Is located In the Mess Hall Kitchen .
I will give you a scholarship to go to school , free food in my mess hall and a.
One route that 's been suggested runs through the German Mess Hall , out via the Admin Building
How would you put it to her if you bumped into her in the mess hall ?
Captain , you might be advised to slip out of the Mess Hall during meal time .
What do the stained glass windows in the north wing of the Mess Hall depict ?
Move to prisoner mess hall
Doc says the Admin Office Is through the Krauts ' mess hall * ?
He was going through the Prisoner Mess Hall . Guess he was headed for the Admin Office .
The Doc don 't know nothing . I bet I could get Into the Admin Office without going anywhere near that mess hall .
As I 'm sure you will be aware , Captain , the Administration Office containing the address system lies to the north of the Mess Hall .
Only route I 've heard about Is through Jerry 's area , just off the corridor between the mess hall and the kitchen .
None of the officers in the squadron had ever eaten so well as they ate regularly in Milo 's mess hall .
The Administration Office containing the camp address system Is located just behind the Mess Hall . During the day , a guard patrols just outside the entrance .
Through the design for the mess hall of the third institute of National University of Defense Technology , This paper approaches relevant skill and idea , expects to create the better building .
Indeed . There are two other entrances at the rear of the mess hall . Unfortunately , however , you will not open them without a crowbar .
In order to facilitate the overseas student to live , according to theirs different diet custom , alone opens the special mess hall , transforms the high standard the student 's dormitory .
Taken two grouped mess hall in colleges as a case , the function constituent , streamline design , space and parking lot organization were discussed , and the advantages and disadvantages were analyzed as well .
Three Manholes have been located In Colditz ; one In the Prisoner Courtyard East , one In the Mess Hall Kitchen and the third In the German Mess Hall .
Even the Krauts have got to eat , I guess . they 've got their own mess hall in that compound , but don 't ask me what time their meals are served .
His " buddy " partner was losing patience . The partner didn 't think a " buddy " would be necessary since the mess hall was close by . He told Brennan to catch up with him later and left .
The bellows are located in the mess hall kitchen , but the chef will notify the guards if he catches you in this area . also , the bellows must be carried once picked up , which will draw attention from the guards even if you 're disguised .